IEEE ITSC 2022 | Keynote Speech | Prof. Arlindo L. Oliveira

Connor 币安交易所app 2022-10-10 246 0

Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of Transportation Systems

Recent advances in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing our economy and our society. AI based systems are finding numerous applications in marketing, sales, healthcare, finances, education, transportation, logistics and even in scientific research. In the near future, AI based systems may replace a significant fraction of human workers in many jobs and functions. Machine learning, a technology that is at the core of recent AI developments, enables computers to learn from data and has many applications in analytics and automation. In this talk, I will present a brief overview of current machine learning technologies and applications, with a special focus on mobility case studies.


Prof. Arlindo L. Oliveira

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal

Distinguished professor of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), with the CSE Dept. President of INESC. Researcher of INESC-ID. Member of the board of CGD, of the Advisory Board of the European Parliament STOA panel, of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering, of CNCTI, and IEEE. Ph.D. in EECS from UC Berkeley and MSc in EECS from IST. Areas of interest: algorithms, machine learning, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, and CAD. Formerly: President of IST; president of INESC-ID; visiting professor at MIT; visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo. researcher at CERN, Cadence Berkeley Labs, and UC Berkeley ERL.

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Blockchain-based ITS: The Human Use of Cyber-Physical-Social Transportation Systems

The 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2022) is the annual flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. From 1997 to 2021, it has been held 24 times, covering 24 cities in 12 countries in Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania. The main conference of the 25th IEEE ITSC 2022 will be held in Macau, China. IEEE ITSC 2022 welcomes articles and presentations in the areas of intelligent transportation systems and automated driving, conveying new advances and developments in theory, modeling, simulation, testing, case studies, as well as large-scale deployment. The conference particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their recent research work, findings, perspectives, and developments related to advanced blockchain-based intelligent transportation systems.
